Thursday, January 26, 2012

PAO Rehearsal: 1/25/2012

Body aching
Body fatigued, finding the path to something clearer, in focus.
Bodies ping, bodies pong.
Molecules finding each other, making connections, splitting, spreading
Action--reaction, bounce, fly, space, reverberate, ooze
Eyes closed, where did my body go?
In and out, touching, weaving, through
How do we link to one, two, all?
All things connect from the past to now and shape what will come but
All we have is now.
Where is my body now?
Searching arms find shape, skin, darkness, slow-slower-slowest

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Support and Searching Limbs (Authentic Movement: 1/11/2012)

...the relationship has gone past dualities. I've found another energy there and that relationship is still there, it's never ending [straight line became a circle].

Finding softness, weight eased into my back. I was there for her and she was there for me.
Warmth, heat, comfort.

I saw trying to fit into something, feet shifting and struggling, determined to make it all work.
I saw groundedness, solidarity, connection to what is above, beneath, ahead and behind.
Palms, forearms, shoulders, wingspan move to uplift, create shape, embody upward movement, stability.

I found a stillness but was still moving, pulsing.
I walked forward, palms out and up--ready to give, ready to receive.
Our arms danced and played.
We found touch and focal points of support and discovered Our rhythm.
We stay connected. We swayed and rocked, ebbed and flowed, sharing, meeting each other.
When I opened my eyes it was a "hello" to my perfect reflection.
"I am honoring this place. I am holding onto this place of strength!" 

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

After Project Agent Orange (PAO) rehearsal: 1/10/2012

...I plugged my ear and could not find my heartbeat.
When finally, one end met the other, closed the circuit to the outside world and there it was:
I heard the song from within me--my song.
The quiet gave way to the pulsating, the ebb and flow, of life force that was created from finding
My heart, My rhythm.

...How does one mold her own body to contain another who does not have connection to all of his limbs?

...After witnessing the pictures and getting into the space of being out-of-body, my chest resonated with wanting to pick up this baby, my baby, and find a way to rock...

On the way home: I had to get in my own space and thrash and dance--move--to celebrate the body I do have and all that I can do with it! "...celebrate we will...'cause life is short but sweet for certain..." (DMB,  Two Step)