Tuesday, February 21, 2012

No Longer Interrupted

Monday Interrupted

My mind took me back to that place and unfortunately, my body followed, as it holds the memory of that here and now and retold all that there was.
My heart trembled, trying to go faster and faster, pumping harder and harder in feeble attempts to send oxygen to my cells as
I couldn't breathe.
My lungs got smaller and smaller, constricted.
I gasped for air through the pain, but nothing came in
The heels of my palms met each eyelid and
My head just shook, "No, no, no..."
I couldn't move but only the dance of despair from that night.
I was stalemated,
I never started.
I am forever haunted by the choice to move out of the way--the moment when I chose Me to survive and He to receive.

     Then, I began scooping and collecting from the place where I found my strength. I was rallying it, pushing it up my torso and spreading a little bit to the rest of my body. I was trying to deliver nuggets of strength to the rest of my body.
     Someone touched my foot and it was the first time I became aware of the rest of me. It provided the anchor I didn't even know I needed to continue the spreading and raising of this strength. It was a reminder of the rest of me and that was comforting.
      I held this nugget, cupped it in my hands and delivered it to my chest. I wanted it to stay there, to stay awake and alive. I turned to my side and curled my arms around it, on my chest. I was keeping it, protecting it, knew it was important. I wanted to hold onto it so steadfastly, I was moved to tears.

She witnessed my back as it was facing her and referenced Edvard Munch's "The Scream". I revealed that my hands were indeed on my cheeks and I had the overwhelming urge to scream, but alas, I never did, at least not with my vocal chords.

"If I am invisible, I am safe but alone."

...I had him bounded in twine and in a horizontal wooden box...My sister's arm ended up wrapping around my shoulder. ...I was finally able to rest...slumped over my torso and put my head in my hands and was finally able to let go.

That's where we paused.

Tingling in my feet
Tingling golden in my hands
Seat, lumbar, cervical spine were rooted.
A planet's orbit around the base of my skull.
Opened my eyes and my neck and base of my skull were sore.
And under my eyes were sore--these were my optic nerves.
I rested them and when my vision came into focus a white tadpole left my skull, everything was clearer.
My feeling towards the memory was lighter, clearer and with a broad stroke of white.


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