Sunday, August 3, 2014

When a Shot Cut Through...

...and a shot cut through to the deepest scar... right fingertips clawed more out, and in the same far-reaching motion, they distributed it outward. My left hand needed to help hold the moving claw. And like a fork-lift, my right hand dumped the pile of darkness out while my left hand provided a pillow for my tear-filled cheeks...

...I kissed my knee cap. I kissed my hand upon my knee and then rested my tearful cheek on the back of my hand...

I hugged myself and rocked side-to-side.

...I pushed myself back onto my own two feet, and with the strength acquired in my shoulder girdle, I braced myself while growing to standing... left palm open and my right guarding my heart...but with time, as terrifying as it was, I opened both hands, offered two open palms and later, with arms open and chest lifted, I started to take the first steps forward. ...

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